Slow Flows - Contributed Talks N.4
Chair: Diego Berzi
10:00 -11:30 A.M. Joshua Dijksman
“Slow flows in granular media-the role of contacts and composition”
Chair: Luigi La Ragione
3:00-4:30 P.M. Jeff Morris
“Statistical physics of dense suspension-progress and questions”
Chair: Michele Larcher
5:00-6:20 Contributed Talks N.4
Johan Gaume “A critical state mu(I)-rheology model for cohesive granular flows”
François Guillard “Are 2D simulations misleading? A multidimensional perspective”
Ben Nadler “Orientational Transport and transient of oriented grains”
Tamas Borzsonyi “Shear flow and silo flow of elongated and flat particles”